
Age of Assassins by RJ Barker

Age of Assassins by RJ Barker

I know RJ likes taxidermy and antlers…I don’t have antlers but I have this bird skeleton and horn.   RJ Barker’s entrancing fantasy-mystery Age of Assassins is a bit of an odd duck—there aren’t many actual assassinations in it, but it’s easy to forget that as the story of young apprentice assassin Girton unfolds. Apparently the age…

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A Map of Greater Argovan

A Map of Greater Argovan

Update: Don’t look at these anymore, I’ve made much better ones using Wonderdraft. I’ve drawn several maps of the world of The Heron Kings in the past, all freehand and all terrible. Recently my wonderful agent Nathan asked me for a map in order to keep all the locations straight. When I went and dug…

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Priest of Bones by Peter McLean

Priest of Bones by Peter McLean

There aren’t actually any pistols in this book, though there are cannons and grenades.   Peter McLean has a brilliant ability to make the reader feel something for the characters, love or hate them. And I kinda hate Tomas Piety. Priest of Bones is a first-person low fantasy set in a world of vaguely Renaissance-level…

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Addermire Solution anyone?

Addermire Solution anyone?

  As an unabashed fan of the Dishonored series and a loser with way too much time on my hands, I’ve taken a few cracks at constructing props from the games. I think one of my favorite is this recreation of the Addermire Solution mana potion from D2. I used these concept sketches as a…

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The Traitor God by Cameron Johnston

The Traitor God by Cameron Johnston

Pay no attention to that pretty sword and those conspicuously placed maps…   Cameron Johnston’s debut novel The Traitor God is a flesh-rending fantasy where magic itself is the darkest villain, with a tone that will feel familiar to fans of Scott Lynch’s The Lies of Locke Lamora. No time is wasted orienting the reader…

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New heron seal

New heron seal

  To celebrate my novel manuscript finally going off to the editor, I ordered a custom seal stamp of the heron graphic on the website, and today it arrived. I was afraid the fine details would get lost and it’d be a horrible mess, but it looks great! For $20 you upload an image and…

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  I yanked a few images from Pinterest and added some of my own to make my first and likely only attempt at a #ThursdayAesthetic panel for my novel The Heron Kings on Twitter. The theme was “weather.” I think the girl in the middle’s a dead-ringer for Nandine.  

MS off to the editor!

MS off to the editor!

Just sent the latest version of the manuscript of The Heron Kings off to my editor at —. I started writing this novel about this time back in 2014. A five-year struggle, and about one more to go before the thing’s finally released. Being my usual paranoid self, I won’t believe any of this is…

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Crash Code cover art

Crash Code cover art

Blood Bound Books has revealed the cover art for their upcoming sci-fi / horror anthology Crash Code, which will include my story “Cold Calculation.” Looks awesome! I’ve been really fortunate with some of the cover art on my short fiction page–lots of vivid, contrasting colors that gives everything a lot of pop. This anthology is…

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New sword! Del Tin 5182

New sword! Del Tin 5182

This is the Del Tin 5182 18th Century rapier I ordered from Kult of Athena. I ordered it in July and it arrived last night. I haven’t seen anyone talk about this sword so I thought I’d say some things and show some pictures. This is a beautiful example of a transitional style between rapiers…

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