
AI Generated artwork based on some of my titles

AI Generated artwork based on some of my titles

I’ve been seeing this trend lately of people putting prompts into machine learning image generators to create abstract AI generated “artwork” based on the words and phrases. I got interested when I saw some great pictures posted to the Dishonored subreddit, so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and see what I could come…

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The Heron Kings’ Flight to Release May 2022

The Heron Kings’ Flight to Release May 2022

Update: Here’s the cover just sent to me by the publisher. Maybe I should’ve included some maple leaves in the text… The Heron Kings’ Flight to Release May 2022 This is just a brief update on the status of The Heron Kings’ Flight, which will be my second published novel (though the first one I…

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The Heron Kings Has Earned Out!

The Heron Kings Has Earned Out!

Last week I received a slim envelope from my bank in the mail. Oh, great, I thought, what is it now? Through the thin paper I could make out the words —. Crap. It’s something to do with my book. A bit of mild panic set in. Were they canceling the contract for The Heron…

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Roadside Attractions by Eric Lahti

Roadside Attractions by Eric Lahti

Forgive the plain picture- most of my stuff is packed up in anticipation of a move that may never come… This has been long overdue, but I’ve finally got around to writing up this review for Roadside Attractions, Eric (no relation) Lahti’s smartassed, fast-paced genre-bender packed with ghosts, ghost investigators, witches, devils, and one jackalope.…

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Lockwood Swords SL1009 Type XVIIIb Longsword

Lockwood Swords SL1009 Type XVIIIb Longsword

I received my order from Lockwood Swords recently. It’s a Type XVIIIb longsword, modified from the standard model 1009 by replacing the crossguard with that of the model 1006. I’ve wanted a blue sword ever since I first saw Gandalf’s Glamdring in LOTR, and I finally have one! This sword is an absolute work of…

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As It Seems: A Short Story Collection

As It Seems: A Short Story Collection

As It Seems: A Short Story Collection.  I recently took stock of all the short stories and flash fiction I had recovered the rights to after first publication, and having become exhausted with trying again and again to resell them to pro markets, I decided heck, why not just bundle them all up into one…

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18th Century Court Smallsword

18th Century Court Smallsword

This is getting ridiculous. I can’t stop myself from buying antique swords! When it comes to expensive habits smokers ain’t got nothing on me. This one is an 18th-century court smallsword, probably from the continent and estimated to be from about 1730 but nothing else is sure. I got it on Ebay but it passed…

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Model 1784 French Dragoon Sword

Model 1784 French Dragoon Sword

Well here’s my latest vastly overpriced sharp and pointy purchase! It’s either my third or fourth antique sword, depending on whether you count my bayonet. This is a Model 1784 French Dragoon Sword made in 1831 in Klingenthal. This is pretty long for a single-handed saber, with a lot of reach from horseback. It has…

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