Lockwood Swords SL1009 Type XVIIIb Longsword
I received my order from Lockwood Swords recently. It’s a Type XVIIIb longsword, modified from the standard model 1009 by replacing the crossguard with that of the model 1006. I’ve wanted a blue sword ever since I first saw Gandalf’s Glamdring in LOTR, and I finally have one!
This sword is an absolute work of art, equal to Albion in every way I can see, though I haven’t cut with it yet. The grip is blue with wire overwrap shaping, same as Albion does. The fittings are antiqued, though they look darker in person than the pictures show. It also came with a very nicely crafted belt and adjustable suspension system but I forgot to take pictures. It was very hard to photograph this sword, since it’s very long and I’m…not. I tried a few pics outside, but the glare was making me crazy, so I moved inside.
The pictures are mostly true to color, and you can see a bit more green in the grip versus the scabbard, but it’s not terribly noticeable. The only tiny blemish is a small dark spot along the blade, but again it’s not too noticeable. It’s stupidly light which I like, so it would probably qualify as a precision cutter rather than a heavy cutter. It’s also very easy to keep on point, with an overly long grip compared to the blade.
I really love it and I can strongly recommend Stephan for your high-end semi-production sword needs.
Here are some stats:
Overall length: 48.1″ / 122.2cm
Blade length: 36.06″ / 91.6cm
Grip length: 9.62″ / 24.4cm
Blade width: 1.62″ / 4.1cm
Blade thickness: .375 to .125″ / .95 to .32cm
Guard width: 9″ / 22.9cm
Pommel diameter: 1.9″ / 4.8cm
PoB: 4.38″ / 11.1cm
CoP: 21.62″ / 54.9cm
Weight: 2lb 10.8oz / 1214g